Im backtracking time to bring the event up to speed. Forgive me if Imissed so many details. I want to tell you about Sunday-and our trip to visit Scribbles, but need to acknowledge the tremendous support we've received for our injured horse. An I will get to that.
Sunday afternoon, our daughter Rachael, niece Sarah, friend Tiffany took a ride over to Rochester to visit Miss Scribbles at dinner time. The clinic has been so welcoming and will let us visit on weekends at dinner time. My friend Karen, always there for me, drove up from her home in Mass to be with me, to visit Scribbles- who was becoming her horse Magic's newest trail buddy. Karen has watched over Scribbles progress from day one, and spent many hours in the round pen at training with Scribbles and I!!
We brought up carrots and plenty of attention for our girl. She seemed bright and alert for what she'de been through. Still hooked up to the huge IV bags, she was getting the fluids necesary to flush out her kidneys to bring down her creatinine. We were hopeful that her kidneys would stablilize so that surgery could be performed on the facial bones that were pressing on her eye socket and nasal passage. We said a tearful, but hopeful goodbye to her that afternoon, but Scribbles seemed to say, "Im sore, but I'm gonna be okay"
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