Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home today! So many questions...

20 days ago we were trailering a bloody, soaking wet horse to Rochester NH wondering if we were making the right decision.  As Dr George examined Scribbles face in this picture, little did we know that the bone in her face had multiple fractures.  And truth be told, little did we realize how much we loved this little horse. 

  Nearly a luxurious Carribbean vacation for our family of five's worth of vet bills, today we brought home our broken but mending mare to our barn, where she belongs.  A vacation we would have never indulged in, never spent the money on.  It would be such a stretch and a ridiculous splurge, out of our reach...but when faced with the decision to allow Scribbles to survive this fate, or euthanize her it was no question- If she wanted to live, she should live. Did we know what it would cost?  No... but we knew what was best.

.  Tonight, we trailered her home.  She  put up a good fight to get into the trailer.  Once again, Dr Myhre came through, firmly and gently loading her into the trailer to come home where she belongs.  Did I cry?  Yes, I did.  With joy, and as we drove home I read cards and letters of love and support  from the sweetest people- thank you~

 And then from others, so many questions...   Why didnt you euthanize her?  It would be so much cheaper, and she's suffering.  Our answer to that:  Come and see her, look at her spirit, energy, zest for life and sweetness- I dont see suffering, I see life.  Ride her on beautiful trails, let her nuzzle her soft nose on your hair, listen to her nicker for you as you enter the barn in the quiet of the morning, or at the end of a busy day.  Watch her grow from a listless bag of skin and bones, to a vivacious horse prancing with her tail flagging in the paddock, romping with her pasturemates.  Today we gave that back to her. 

Does she know?  I have the answer for that- yes she does.  Yes, she does, and we will be thanked with her whinnies, nickers, nuzzles and someday we will watch her canter across the paddock with her tail flagging again.  We're patiently waiting, Scribbles, but for tonight you can nuzzle Becketts nose as it was meant to be!

Welcome home, BBG, girlfriend, Scribby~  we missed you!!!!!!


Finally it's Wednesday, hoping for a quiet homecoming today, and will celebrate on Saturday.  It's been a long 20 days, and thankfully look forward to bringing our horse home!  Here's to hoping she loads cooperatively in the trailer!