Today is Thursday. This week dragged by as we waited for Scribbles to have time to heal. We cant do the surgery on her face yet, because her body isnt cooperating. The people at Myrhe keep me posted on Scribbles condition- she's spirited and alert, but clearly broken and battered from the tree. Her back end is wobbly- but all week I've been hopeful that it was just temporary.
Last night I went to see my horse, and tried to get her to walk with the help of the veterinarian, Rachel. She didnt want to leave her stall, but it was clear when she moved forward, her back leg muscles have taken a beating, from being down for so long on her side. Her side is no doubt sore from the impact of the tree. I cried a lot, it's so sad to see her in such a condition and I tried to hold out hope that when they do her bone scan they wont see any major damage. Its scary and sad, and right about then I just wished for answers- what to do, what will happen?
I called and cried to my friends, Karen and Kelly. Both assured me Scribbles will pull through. Kelly reminded how she broke her back a year and a half ago- and was told she'de never walk again. Yet, Kelly was the one who ran to Scribbles side to save her- she beat the odds, and she assures me so can Scribbles. Kelly is a very active woman, she certainly can walk, and run! I am just hoping to see Scribbles back home, cozy in her stall~
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