Thursday, October 21, 2010

Scribbles first day home

Scribbles had a great first day home- although these pictures are from last night when she arrived home.  Tonight I cleaned her wounds and re-wrapped her right front leg.

During the day she was very spunky, so much so that she had to be moved to an inside stall with Beckett beside her.  It was too upsetting for her to be in a stall while everybody else got to run around freely outside.  I'm sure she'll settle down, as time moves along and she realizes she's home to stay. 

The sweetest part of my day...
 When I arrived home there was a letter in the mail from my friends Richie and Meg.  Our horse Splash, used to be owned by the Randa family- Meg and Abbey.  Meg's friend Richie, who is a horse lover and student at the Life Experience School in Millis Mass,  was so good to Splash when she lived in Sherborn.  Richie has never forgotten his sweetheart, Splash, and makes sure he sends her kisses, pats and hugs. Richie was there for us the day we brought Splash to her new home, to wish her well and say good-bye.   Today, he sent a beautiful card with a picture of Scribbles, in rainbow colors.  He wrote "Dear Becky, I hope Scribbles feels better!  Love, Richie B.  PS-Tell Splash Richie says hi too!  Love, Meg
Friends like that are so amazing- and touch your heart.  Thanks Richie and Meg for warming my heart today before going down to the barn to spend time with my favorite horses and my favorite Phil.  Richie and Meg, like so many others, have expressed their love for our horse and compassion for others.  Richie, maybe one day you'll come up to NH to visit Splash and her best girlfriend, Scribbles!!

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