Saturday, October 23, 2010

Join us today, Saturday Oct 23rd all day to Welcome Home Scribbles

All are welcome to enjoy home baked goodies, hot apple cider, a great selection of used tack, raffles- and most of all to have a chance to say hello for the first time or again to our amazing horse, with a spirit and will to live! 

We are located on 24 Speare Rd, Hudson NH 
If you get lost, give us a call 603-882-4675- hope to see you!

Scribbles is doing her favorite activity in this picture... but she'll be happy to pull her head up for a scratch and attention!


  1. We just saw your link on dogs with blogs news...oh my...what an amazing story of a determined family and equally determined horse...and that horrible accident...

    You don't ever ever need to explain why you made this or that decision in treating Scribbles...that is your horse, and you know what it best and the inner spark that guides her...don't second guess yourself...we are honored to walk along for Scribble's journey!!!

    We will keep her and your family in our thoughts and prayers for her to heal!!!

    Hugs to all!

    Scruffy, Lacie and Stan and their Mom...terriers from PA!

  2. We love your name, Scribles! Eating is our favorite activity too! We're sending you lots of AireZen and hoping that you're 100% soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch the Airedales

  3. Hello Scribbles

    Wow what a journey you have had. We are so pleased you are on the road to recovery.

    Molly, Taffy and Monty (Three terriers form the UK)

  4. Hi Scwibbles
    I'm a wiwe fox tewwiew and think you'we bwave and wondewful and so is youwhooman..I'm thwilled that you awe getting bettew and bettew and will have a bootiful life
    smoochie healing kisses

  5. Hi Scribbles! What a welcome you will have had today, safe,loved and back at home after your tragic accident. It quite sent my tail into overtime thinking how you,your leggeds and your four legged friends will have had a wonderful welcome home Scribbles day! Happy days from now on!!

    Wiry wags Eric x

  6. Hi Scribbles,

    Nice to meet you and glad that you are on the mend !

    Hope you get lots of carrots :)



  7. Hi Scribbles!

    My name is Koobuss and I am a four-year-old female wire fix terrier. I heard about you from my boyfriend Scruffy's mumsie. Your wonderful story warmed my heart. I am so happy that you survived and are feeling better. What a beautiful spirit you have! You are beautiful in every way, Scribbles, and so is your wonderful human family.

    I know that you are a horse and I am a dog, but I was hoping that we could be friends. Is that okay with you, Scribbles?

    Love, Best Wishes, and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

  8. Scribbles! It is so wonderful to meet you and your family. What a beautiful brave gal you are. I read your whole blog and I can understand why your family was willing to do whatever it took to have you home again and walking and feeling spunky. There just aren't words to express the joy this has given me. You are a treasure.


  9. Scribbles! We are two more wire fox terriers ... on the run this weekend with our Moma, but led to you from our friends who never (well ... maybe sometimes, but it's all a fun journey!) lead us astray. Just from quickly glancing, we can tell, we'll be spending some time today reading your whole complete entire blog ... feeling grateful and honored to meet such an amazing new friend as you.

    We'll be back.
    Jake and Fergi
