Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surgery went well- really well....

Good evening.  I'm so tired, but in a nutshell surgery went well and Dr Myhre feels he got about a 50% improvement, removing bone fragments, opening up her sinus on the right side, ascertaining that there were no bone shards in the sinuses.  It went very well, I'll see Scribbles tomorrow and find out when we can bring her home-we'de like to  touch base a day after the surgery and find out the type of after care she'll need. 

The upside is all the love and support we've received.

You wont believe this, but the downside, is that someone took over our Craigslist ads, copied them and posted them about our tack sale.  But the responses will go to a total stranger aka donations.  Please be careful.    Please do not send donations anywhere else but to Myhre.  Just when I was beginning to think we lived in a perfect world- people take advantage of our situation.  And if you donate tack, I will indentify myself with a drivers license if I dont know you.  Unbelieveable, that someone would take advantage of others who are helping a horse and family in a tough bind- ugh.  But I believe all the good outweighs the not so good. 

Goodnight and pleasant dreams~

1 comment:

  1. Well that's pretty crappy of someone taking advantage. Glad the surgery went well.
