Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 31st- life is getting back to normal.  Scribbles is out with her pals this morning. Yesterday I let her out for a while to move around the paddocks, explore her home again.  This picture exeplifies what makes most of us happy- the comforts of home, good food, friends and family. 

Yesterday I was supposed to clean my house. Phil is beginning to wonder if he has a new and messy wife, because all I want to do is be OUTSIDE with the horses.  So my barn looks great and my house looks like a barn (kidding, there's no horse poop in my house).  As a girl who was born in Vermont, and raised in New Hampshire, crisp fall days are my favorite. I'm a true blue New Englander, and love the cooler fall days, and look forward to winter.  I even started up the pellett stove!

 I took Splash out for a beautiful ride with Caitlin and Karen on Saturday.  It was so much fun, but today I passed on a trail ride in Pepperell to attend to all the catching up IN the house I really need to do.  Im sure I'll sneak outside today to enjoy some of this weather, but I'm going to force myself to put my house back in order while Phil and Adam work today.  Otherwise, they would help too- I'm very fortunate.

Scribbles will savor this fall weather too!  As a horse born and raised in NH- she's very happy to be enjoying this fall day with her friends.


  1. Oh yes! Enjoy these beautiful days while you can. Spend time outside with the horses. Winter will be here soon enough. Scribbles continues to prosper. That is great!


  2. Thank you Mango. I love hearing from my doggie friends- we have many at our barn, too. There's Diego the Chiuahua mix, Max the Labrador, Bella the terrier mix, Kaylie the chiuahua terrier mix, Bosco the Keeshond mix, and Rylee the Border Collie. They dont all live here, but they visit often. We're so glad you're thinking of me, it's helping me heal. Love, Scribbles
