Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So Comfy at home...

Scribbles is feeling quite happy at home, as this picture tells.   

Each day Scribbles is showing marked improvement.  She is getting steadier on her feet, and her wounds heal. Yesterday she would get very upset if the other horses left her sight, so she is exercising herself when she gets worried.  My friend, Kelly, tends to her during the day and I get the evening duty.  Tomorrow, Dr George will visit our farm, and check her bloodwork, and assess her condition.  I think he'll be quite pleased!


  1. Scribbles it is so lovely to meet you!

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a Happy Halloween!

    xo Toffee

  2. Wow! Scribbles! Toffee came to visit! That's a HUGE compliment! (Such a cool dog, with such a cool mom ... well experienced and very competent, too! ... with a great perspective on life.

    We are soooo happy to read you are doing well. One day at a time. Just as you should.

    Jake and Fergi

  3. Scribbles you are doing so well. We are so happy you are getting so much better.

    MOlly, Taffy and MOnty
